Biophilia: Why You Need an Indoor Plant Habit

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Closeup of large houseplant in a decorative basket on a table

A walk in a park is an excellent way to improve your mood. Not only does the exercise energize you, the fresh air is great for your body. Just as trees and plants are crucial to our air quality outside, indoor plants can give you the same happy, healthy feelings at home.

Closeup of large houseplant in a decorative basket on a table

In fact, there’s a word for that, and it’s biophilia. It’s defined as the ingrained human instinct to connect with nature and living things. In short, life makes us feel good.

The aesthetic appeal of having plants inside your house is the reason many people decide to start gardening indoors.  (Hello, Boho!) Whether you have researched and planned on collecting them or not, there are health and wellness benefits that you experience when you create a green space (or ten) in your home.  

The décor aspect of greenery is a given, since plants beautify spaces indoors and out. 

But how do you choose? Choices abound, including waviations in colors, sizes, shapes, and flowering vs. non-flowering… and this is just the tip of the iceberg.  

Plants flourish by taking in carbon dioxide from our breathing.  This symbiotic relationship is all win. Besides the exchange of oxygen for carbon dioxide, plants purify the air of other unhealthy elements such as air-bound mold particles. This makes them a lovely natural air filter for your home.

Gardening is a relaxing pastime for all ages. Having indoor plants lets you cultivate this benefit year-round. If you live in an apartment, a few well-chosen plants can turn tiny and sparse into lush and cozy. Gardening inside is only limited by the amount of space you want to dedicate to it in your home. 

Greening up your living space and caring for living things can make owning indoor plants a stress-reliever. You can decide how much time you want to dedicate to caring for your plants.  If you want a plant that has to be watered less go for a cactus. If you like the challenge of coaxing a flowering tree to blossom try a camellia.

Pardon us, we’re off to the home store (again).

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